This beautiful, durable wire-coil bound volume is the first volume in Series 1 of the New Kliros Library for Reader & Choir, and features all material for the Vespers of Forgiveness Sunday (served after the Divine Liturgy on the Sunday of Cheesefare) and the Molieben to St. Theodore the Recruit, served on the evening of the first Friday of Great Lent.
Forgiveness Vespers includes:
- All Psalms and reader's prayers in Revised Liturgical English®
- Sheet music (SATB) for "Lord, I call" in the Eight Tones (Obikhod and Kievan arrangements for each Tone)
- Penitential Stichera in the Eight Tones and Stichera of Forgiveness Sunday (from the Triodion) with interpolated Psalm verses, set in Revised Liturigcal English® and pointed for Obikhod chant
- O Gladsome Light (2 arrangements)
- The Great Prokeimenon (2 arrangements)
- Aposticha with interpolated Psalm verses
- St. Symeon's Prayer (2 arrangements)
- Full SATB score of the Lenten Troparia ("Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos...O Baptizer of Christ...Supplicate for us, ye holy apostles...Beneath thy tenderness of heart...")
The Molieben to St. Theodore includes:
- All Psalms and reader's prayers in Revised Liturgical English®
- "God is the Lord" (SATB score — Obikhod) w/ deacon's verses
- The Canon to St. Theodore (Irmosi in SATB score with texts of all Troparia)
- Final clergy prayer
Forgiveness Sunday Vespers w/ Molieben to St. Theodore
- Size: 8 1/2" x 11"
- Wire-coil binding
- Heavy cardstock covers
- 80 lb. paper (interior) withstands years of use
- Black/red print throughout